About ProEUvaluesBG

The project “Strengthening the role of civil society organizations in Bulgaria for the protection and promotion of fundamental European rights and values” (ProEUvaluesBG), is being implemented in partnership with the Open Society Institute – Sofia Foundation (OSI-Sofia), the Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation (WCIF), and The European Citizen Action Service (ECAS).

The project is being carried out with financial support from the European Union through the “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” Program (CERV) in the amount of €2,570,299, which represents 90% of the project budget. The funding institution is the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in accordance with the powers delegated to it by the European Commission. The members of the consortium are co-financing the implementation of the project with €258,588, which represents 10% of its total value.

The implementation of the “ProEUvaluesBG” project started on January 1, 2023, and has a duration of 3 years.

Project Objectives

  1. The project aims to support the capacity and role of civil society organizations as key bearers and messengers of EU values, including the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, and human rights.
  2. It also aims to contribute to raising public awareness of these values.

Within the “ProEUvaluesBG” project, the following are envisaged:

  1. Financial support for initiatives of civil organizations through two funds:

    The Action Fund: to support national-level initiatives in the total amount of 800,000 euros. The fund will be managed by the “Open Society Institute – Sofia” foundation.

    The Together Fund for funding local initiatives in the total amount of 800,000 euros. The fund is managed by the “Workshop for Civic Initiatives” foundation.
  2. Training program “Roadmap” aimed at supporting the ideological and practical development and implementation of initiatives under both funds – “Together” and “Action” by sharing international experience and presenting initiatives implemented by civil organizations in other EU member states.

  3. An information campaign popularizing the topics of human dignity, equality among people, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights among different communities in Bulgaria.

  4. Opportunities for networking and learning through specially organized meetings to share best practices of civil organizations supported by the two funds.